Acumen has supported this industry through its involvement with the Ministry of Trade and Industry on an innovative national food export strategy.


Since Acumen's founding, the company has worked with government agencies and quasi-governmental entities on numerous strategy and capacity development engagements to realize each entity's social and economic goals according to the state's national agenda.

At Acumen, we help international development organizations from the diagnosis stage until the execution of their development programs in Egypt.


Acumen works alongside SMEs and large companies in the manufacturing sector to support improving all facets ranging from production to organization and management.

Acumen has supported real estate developers and construction companies to understand changing customer and community expectations and trends to help clients maximize returns on their development projects.

To achieve a more significant social impact and reach a larger target audience, NGOs are realizing that lessons learned from the private sector can be advantageous in helping them get long-term financial viability.


In recent years, the financial services industry has undergone disruptive changes, compelling financial institutions to adopt more forward-looking strategies and business models.

Significant changes to the industry, such as the digitization of healthcare and growing patient sophistication, necessitate that traditional healthcare providers evolve to sustain growth.

Now more than ever, the retail and consumer goods industries face uncertain times. Maintaining profit margins has become a difficult feat due to market saturation, more selective customers, and a challenging economic landscape.